Everything You Need to Know About San Antonio’s 2024 Climate


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Exploring San Antonio Climate 2024: A Monthly Overview

In San Antonio, the sunshine is a loyal companion, generously appearing over 250+ days each year. This city is an outstanding destination for those who cherish the great outdoors. For visitors embarking on a journey to SA, the promise of blue skies and abundant sunlight is almost guaranteed. This translates into a consistent offering of warmth and lovely weather throughout the year-round. Planning a trip to the famous Riverwalk, the historic Alamo, or the historical Missions is made delightful by the city’s favorable climate, encouraging a plethora of outside activities. San Antonio’s climate is a central aspect of this annual, month-by-month guide.

Insider Tips for Dealing with San Antonio’s Climate

  1. Stay Hydrated: The summer heat can be intense. Always carry water and stay hydrated.
  2. Use Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and use a hat to protect against the sun.
  3. Plan Indoor Activities: During peak summer heat, plan indoor activities or visit air-conditioned attractions.
  4. Check Weather Alerts: Stay updated with local weather alerts, especially during the spring and early summer for severe weather warnings.
  5. Dress Appropriately: Wear light, breathable fabrics in summer and layer up in winter to adjust to temperature changes.

The Distinct Climate Characteristics of San Antonio, Texas

The climate of San Antonio, Texas, is a fascinating tapestry of transitional, humid, and sub-tropical influences. Known for its hot summers and cool, mild winters, the city presents a climatic equilibrium that is rare and appealing. Despite its semi-arid nature, San Antonio receives an interesting amount of rainfall, distinguishing it from other regions of the country. This unique blend of weather elements contributes to the city’s diverse ecological and cultural landscape, making it a distinctive and inviting place to live and visit.

San Antonio’s Weather Identity: What Stands Out?

San Antonio’s weather is uniquely characterized by its hot and humid conditions throughout most of the year, while also offering mild and gorgeous winters. The city experiences variations in weather on any given day – it’s a running joke among locals that if you don’t like the weather, just wait ten minutes! It’s not uncommon during fall, winter, and spring to experience temperatures in the 80s and then plummet to the 40s within the same week. Additionally, torrential rain can surprise residents and visitors during various months, contrasting sharply with the intense heat that the city is known for. This aspect of San Antonio’s climate is something that locals have come to expect and adapt to. For more insights, don’t miss our article Things To Do On a rainy day or during a sudden cold snap in San Antonio!

The Seasonal Cycle in San Antonio: A Detailed Analysis

In San Antonio, the annual weather cycle is marked by four seasons, each with its distinct temperature changes and weather patterns. Summers are dominant here, stretching from May to October, characterized by heat and brightness. The winter months are short and mild, with no snow in the forecast typically from December to February. Spring, in March and April, and autumn in November, bring warmer temps compared to much of the country. These seasons offer a classic feel of spring and fall, where the leaves of the Live Oak trees fall in autumn and new leaves bud in spring. In San Antonio, the sight of old leaves from the year before giving way to new ones is a unique aspect, with the majority of trees following this pattern and a minority not.

Analyzing Rainfall Patterns in San Antonio

San Antonio’s annual weather includes an average rainfall of about 33 inches per year. While this places the city on the lower side of the spectrum compared to more desert-like regions, it’s important to note that rain does occur in every month. However, a thunderstorm is not a daily or even weekly occurrence, making each rain event somewhat noteworthy in the city’s climatic calendar. On days when the weather is clear, families can explore various Kids’ Adventures Spots around San Antonio, offering fun and excitement for children of all ages.

Snowfall in San Antonio: A Rare Occurrence?

When it comes to snow in San Antonio, it’s a rare sight. Over the past 20 years, SA has only snowed about three times with any substantial amount. More common than snow is ice, but even the regularity of an ice event each winter is low, usually enough to shut down the city for 1-3 days. While the city is not always prepared to manage long-term icy road conditions, these events are brief and infrequent enough to be considered exceptional occurrences in San Antonio’s climate story. During these chilly days, a warm cup of coffee can be especially comforting. Discover the best places for a hot brew in our article about Coffee Shops in San Antonio, where you can find cozy spots to relax and warm up.

 Natural Weather Events in San Antonio: An Overview

San Antonio is often celebrated as one of the best cities in America for natural disaster avoidance. With virtually no snow or blizzards, and being away from any significant fault line, earthquakes are a non-entity. Positioned about 130 miles inland from the coast, it’s too far for a perfect coastal hit by a severe storm. Although hurricanes can gain tremendous speed and pose a risk along the coast, in the last 20 years, San Antonio has experienced only one tornado, an EF1. However, the true natural disaster risk in the area is flooding, especially after heavy rain throughout the year. On a brighter note, this weather also makes it ideal to enjoy outdoor dining at Food truck parks in San Antonio, where the culinary scene thrives in the city’s pleasant climate.

Identifying San Antonio’s Coldest Month

In the annual cycle of San Antonio’s climate, January stands out as the coldest month of the year. This period is marked by a noticeable dip in temperature, making it distinct in the city’s otherwise warm climate.

The Peak of Heat: San Antonio’s Hottest Month

As for the warmest times of the year, July and August contest for being San Antonio’s long, hot month. These summer months are characterized by prolonged periods of high temperatures, often defining the peak of heat in the city’s climate. To cool off during these scorching days, many locals and visitors flock to San Antonio’s best Ice Cream Spots, where you can find a delightful respite from the heat with a variety of delicious, chilled treats.

What is the Best Month to Visit San Antonio?

Regarding the Annual Weather in San Antonio, November and December are arguably the best months to visit. They offer mild and comfortable weather with plenty of sun, ideal for exploring SA. If you’re planning a visit between November and April, you’ll likely experience the most optimal weather conditions. Plus, these months coincide with the party season in San Antonio, featuring events like the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo in February and Fiesta San Antonio in April. To enhance your stay, be sure to check out our guide on the best hotels to live in, which highlights top accommodation choices to make your visit both comfortable and memorable.

How Should I Pack for My Visit to San Antonio?

When preparing for a trip to San Antonio, considering the Annual Weather is crucial. Even though it’s generally hot, a lightweight jacket or sweater is advisable, especially for restaurants, shops, and theaters where air-conditioning can make it feel miserable to enjoy a meal in an icebox setting. A Pro tip: always carry an extra layer for indoors to avoid shivering during your vacation in Alamo City.

San Antonio Climate: A Monthly Overview

San Antonio Climate: A Monthly Overview


January in San Antonio, typically the average coldest and driest month, has highs around 62° and lows near 39°. It’s a fantastic time to visit if you enjoy mild weather with sunny days. However, be mindful of random cold fronts and occasional Arctic snaps, as reported by the local news media. These can bring a few days of bitter misery but are usually short-lived.


February in San Antonio is similar to January, with average highs in the mid-60s and lows around 42°, gradually warming as March approaches. Rain chances are minimal, making it a lovely time to visit. Events like the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo thrive in this weather. However, the city has seen its share of nightmare weather, like the crazy weather with ice in 2023, and the winter storm in 2021 that brought record lows in the tens and teens, along with record snowfall and power outages stressing the Texas grid. These events, while dramatic, are the exception rather than the rule; even a strong cold front can shut down the city.


As March rolls in, warming temps herald the start of spring in San Antonio. Average highs are around 74°, with lows at 50°. It’s a dry month, but rain chances start increasing. The beautiful weather comes with a catch – allergies. The temperature rise causes Live Oak trees to start budding, leading to a significant weather event in Alamo city known as pollening. Sidewalks, streets, cars, trash cans, and even pets get covered in a yellowish/greenish pollen, resembling a dusting of snow. For those with seasonal allergies, it can be brutal; a bit of research before visiting is advisable.


April in San Antonio is significantly warmer and wetter than March. Highs often reach the 80s, with lows in the upper 50s. Precipitation can be up to 2x normal, marking a dance between spring and summer. If planning a visit, expect balmy weather, transitioning to the hot and humid conditions San Antonio is known for. Though allergy conditions remain painful, they start to taper off. This month is also perfect for experiencing Fiesta San Antonio, with plenty of guide and information available to navigate the festivities.


In San Antonio, the old adage of “April showers bring May flowers” holds true, as May often stands as the wettest month of the year for the city. Averaging about 5 inches of rainfall over the course of the month, highs can reach around 90°, with lows in the low 70s. This surge in moisture also sees a corresponding rise in humidity, making the environment increasingly humid.


With the arrival of June, summer heat becomes officially entrenched in San Antonio. Highs in the mid-90s are consistent, and lows hover in the mid-70s. This time of year is characterized by hot and sticky conditions. While rain chances are high at the start of the month, they tend to decrease as the next month approaches. To beat the heat, locals and visitors often seek out refreshing water spots. Discover some of the city’s best natural swimming areas in our feature on Swimming Holes, where you can find cool, tranquil waters perfect for a summer day escape.


July in San Antonio is part of the long, hot stretch including August, representing the hottest months of the year. These back-to-back months form a painstaking 2+ months of relentless heat and humidity. Each day can feel much the same – blistering and often uncomfortable. Average highs are in the upper 90s, with lows in the mid-70s. This period also marks the bulk of the year’s triple-digit heat, with 100+ days typically beginning in June and ending in September.


Continuing the trend from July, August in San Antonio remains intensely hot. The long, hot days of August contribute to making it one of the hottest periods of the year. The city experiences back to-back days of painstaking heat and humidity, with each day resembling the same blistering and uncomfortable conditions. Average highs often reach the upper 90s, while lows stay in the mid-70s. This month, along with July, typically sees the bulk of the year’s triple-digit heat, stretching from June to September.


September in San Antonio follows a bell curve pattern, mirroring June but with easing temperatures. It’s a time to put away those winter coats, with highs usually in the low 90s and lows in the low 70s. As precipitation begins to fall, the weather represents the entrenched summer of south Texas fading away.


October brings a much-welcomed respite from the heat, as temperatures cool off. It’s a bit wetter than April, with average highs around 82° and lows at 59°. This is the month where shorts and short sleeves are still the norm, but you won’t be cooking in your car or sweating buckets.


Blessed with beautiful weather, November is a month locals look forward to in San Antonio (SA). With daily highs around 70° and lows in the upper 40s, rain chances start decreasing. It’s the onset of winter, but the days are still sunny and dry, offering gloriously mild conditions perfect for a trip to Alamo City.


As winter weather sets in earnest in San Antonio, December sees average highs of 64° and lows of 41°. Rain chances are minimal, so don’t expect white Christmases, but you can enjoy the sun amidst brisk temperatures. This season is a great time to explore the culinary scene of the city. Go with your family in Best Restaurants find it with our guide to discover warm and cozy dining spots that offer a delightful array of cuisines perfect for the chilly weather.

FAQ about San Antonio’s Climate in 2024

What is the best time to visit San Antonio based on its climate?

The best time to visit San Antonio is typically from late March to early June and from September to November. During these months, the weather is mild and pleasant, avoiding the extreme heat of summer and the cooler winter months.

How hot does it get in San Antonio during the summer?

San Antonio experiences high temperatures during the summer, often exceeding 90°F (32°C). July and August are the hottest months, with temperatures frequently reaching over 100°F (38°C).

What are the winter temperatures like in San Antonio?

Winters in San Antonio are mild, with average temperatures ranging from 40°F to 60°F (4°C to 15°C). Occasionally, temperatures can drop to freezing, but snow and ice are rare.

Does San Antonio experience a lot of rain?

San Antonio has a moderate amount of rainfall, with May and October being the wettest months. The city receives an average annual rainfall of about 32 inches (813 mm).

Is San Antonio prone to severe weather events?

San Antonio can experience severe weather events, including thunderstorms, hail, and occasional tornadoes, particularly in the spring and early summer. It is also susceptible to flash flooding due to its topography and heavy rain events.

How should I dress when visiting San Antonio?

Dress in light, breathable clothing during the summer, and bring a hat and sunscreen to protect against the sun. In winter, layered clothing is advisable to adapt to fluctuating temperatures. Always check the weather forecast before your trip to pack accordingly.

By considering these criteria and frequently asked questions, this article aims to provide a detailed and valuable overview of San Antonio’s climate in 2024, helping readers plan their activities and travels effectively.